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Dennis Trolle


Dr. Trolle is a Partner of WaterITech and a Founding Member. He is responsible for leading the development and execution of long-term strategies, with the goal of increasing the impact and outreach of WaterITech services. Dr. Trolle manages the firm’s investor and client relations, high-level R&D decisions, and company marketing.

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Dr. Trolle co-founded WaterITech as well as WaterWebTools as spin-out companies from Aarhus University in Denmark, where he until 2023 held a position as Full Professor and led a research lab specializing in hydrological and water quality modeling. Since 2023, he has been fully commited to WaterITech and WaterWebTools. At Aarhus University he was responsible for developing the establishment, initiatives, and growth of a research group comprising 10-15 highly specialized scientists. Under his leadership the research group became recognized as a world leader in water quality modeling, working with model developments and applications across the globe, ranging from the cold temperate countries in northern Europe and North America to tropical countries of Asia and Africa. 


The models applied by WaterITech are compatible with the short-term forecasting platform developed by WaterWebTools, but are also frequently used to better understand how long-term climate change and agricultural management interact to influence water quantity and quality of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. Dr. Trolle has led numerous consultancy projects, including the development of water quality models that are now used by the Danish EPA, and serve as a basis for deriving total maximum daily load (TMDL) estimates for all lakes in Denmark. Enabling the application of advanced, science-based models for solving real-world problems continues to be a focal motivation for Dr. Trolle.


Dr. Trolle is a member of international science networks, including the Global Lakes Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON) since 2006, and is a founding member of the Aquatic Ecosystem Modeling Network (AEMON) since 2010. He continues to interact with these networks to be enriched with and contribute to new knowledge and collaboration on developments within state-of-the-art science. Through his companies, he also collaborates with elite high-tech companies and scientists to facilitate a transition to a more sustainable future for water management. Key collaborators include company and research partners of large-scale innovation projects with highly competitive European Innovation Council (EIC) and North American programs, and also the Danish Meteorological Institute, with whom WaterITech and WaterWebTools collaborate to build a better foundation for nation-wide flood forecasting.


Dr. Trolle has spent his professional career gaining deep insight into and developing state-of-the-art, science-based computer models for hydrology and water quality, some of which are now the basis for WaterWebTools forecast solutions. He received his M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering from Aalborg University in Denmark in 2005. After working for a period as a research assistant, the University of Waikato recruited him to New Zealand to conduct a Ph.D. study on climate change impacts on freshwater lakes and reservoirs between 2006 and 2009. Dr. Trolle conducted the study with Prof. David Hamilton and was co-supervised by Prof. Erik Jeppesen, who was recipient of the Nobel peace prize in 2007 as a freshwater science member of the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC). In 2009, Dr. Trolle accepted an offer for a permanent position at Aarhus University, and returned to Denmark.

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Døjsøvej 1, 8660 Skanderborg, Denmark

Company Reg (CVR): 40272860

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