Real-time water quality monitoring
Real-time water quality monitoring is usually a demanding and costly affair. Advanced sensors for phytoplankton and turbidity, for example, are expensive and often require regular maintenance. To enable a much more widespread use of real-time water quality sensing, WaterITech and WaterWebTools have joined forces to build a low cost and low maintenance monitoring system, which combines some of the most durable water quality sensors with advanced AI-based data processing. The solution is a seamless integration of our customizable data buoy and the online ASAP Metabolism tool, and provides a range of water quality indicators, which are relevant for understanding both real-time and long-term trajectories of the ecosystem state. We provide a complete, integrated sensor, data communication and software system - getting starting with real-time monitoring has now become a lot easier.

Our data buoy is designed and adapted for your specific water system and your specific needs, and then assembled by WaterITech. The system is easily installed in lakes, reservoirs, wetlands and rivers. The solution combines a self-powered floating buoy or wall-mounting system, with reliable, highly accurate digital sensors for water temperature and oxygen, and a power efficient data logger, making it ideal for a cost-efficient, long-term deployment. When combined with the AI-based ASAP Metabolism tool, real-time and long-term trajectories of the ecosystem state of your water system is easily followed.
Complete hardware system comprised of:
Self-powered data buoy or mounted system
Digital temperature sensors (range: 0-50°C, accuracy: ±0.5°C)
Digital oxygen sensors (range: 0-20 mg/L, accuracy: ±0.1 mg/L)
Antifouling caps mounted on each sensor
Data logger
Anchor and all cables needed for field deployment (optional)
Integration with the ASAP Metabolism tool powered by WaterWebTools,
giving you a range key water quality indicators in real-time:
Surface mixed layer depth (m)
Gross Primary Production (GPP)
Ecosystem Respiration (ER)
Areal Hypolimnetic Oxygen Deficit (AHOD)
Optional features:
Machine learning for additional water quality indicators such as Secchi depth (water clarity indicator) and chlorophyll a (proxy for total algae concentration)
Additional water quality sensors (e.g. chlorophyll, turbidity, conductivity and more)
Integration with WaterWebTools model forecasting solutions, providing you a complete digital twin
Phone app
On-site info-screen
Market-leading combination of highly accurate digital sensors and advanced data processing
Low cost and low maintenance compared to traditional water quality data buoys
Get a real-time overview of the current ecosystem state
Follow the long-term trajectory of the ecosystem state
Improve your decision making and operations
Increase staff and public safety and awareness​
Want to know more?
Contact Dr. Anders Nielsen to learn more about how we may be able to assist you.
Anders Nielsen, Ph.D.
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